Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#3654, aired 2000-06-22 | NORWAY BACK WHEN $100 (Daily Double): A king of this name rebuilt Oslo in the 1600s & for a while the city was named after him King Christian (Christiania) |
#3654, aired 2000-06-22 | NORWAY BACK WHEN $200: The 1814 Convention of Moss, presumably held on the north side of a tree, united Norway with this country Sweden |
#3654, aired 2000-06-22 | NORWAY BACK WHEN $400: He's the Norway "rat" in the photo seen here: Vidkun Quisling |
#3654, aired 2000-06-22 | NORWAY BACK WHEN $800: In the 1300s Bergen, a fish trade center, became affiliated with this German commercial league Hanseatic League |
#3654, aired 2000-06-22 | NORWAY BACK WHEN $1000: In 1939 Norway claimed an Antarctic "land" named for this Norwegian queen Queen Maud |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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