Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6057, aired 2011-01-04NON-LY ADVERBS $400: Matt Lauer & Al Roker know that this title of their show could be an adverb meaning "at the present time" Today
#6057, aired 2011-01-04NON-LY ADVERBS $800: You can use this 5-letter adverb on "Jeopardy!" if your response is a country where
#6057, aired 2011-01-04NON-LY ADVERBS $1200: It can be a noun meaning a company, or an adverb for "without wavering", as in "stand" this firm
#6057, aired 2011-01-04NON-LY ADVERBS $1600: Please resist the temptation to spell this adverb meaning "very nearly" with 2 L's almost
#6057, aired 2011-01-04NON-LY ADVERBS $2000: Meaning "frequently", this adverb is now 2 letters longer than it was some 400 years ago often

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