Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3867, aired 2001-05-29NO OIL PAINTING $100: J.P. Morgan suffered from rhinophyma, which turned this part of his anatomy into a swollen horror Nose
#3867, aired 2001-05-29NO OIL PAINTING $200: This onetime freak show performer, whose head was 3 feet around, died in a London hospital in 1890 John Merrick ("The Elephant Man")
#3867, aired 2001-05-29NO OIL PAINTING $300: Louis XI of France earned this nickname by his unpleasant appearance & by weaving webs of intrigue "The Spiderman"
#3867, aired 2001-05-29NO OIL PAINTING $400: This successor to Queen Elizabeth I ate like a slob because of his malformed jaws James I
#3867, aired 2001-05-29NO OIL PAINTING $500: In the work seen here, the artist obeyed this 17th century English leader's wish to be shown, warts & all Oliver Cromwell

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