Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9232, aired 2024-12-24NICKNAMES OF HISTORIC WOMEN $400: Nicknamed "Lady Lindy", she learned to fly in the early 1920s from female pilot Neta Snook Amelia Earhart
#9232, aired 2024-12-24NICKNAMES OF HISTORIC WOMEN $800: Martha was the real first name of this legendary figure of the American West who died in South Dakota in 1903 Calamity Jane
#9232, aired 2024-12-24NICKNAMES OF HISTORIC WOMEN $1200: Last name of "Lemonade Lucy", the 19th century first lady who allowed no alcohol to be served in the White House Hayes
#9232, aired 2024-12-24NICKNAMES OF HISTORIC WOMEN $1600: Later pardoned by President Ford, Iva Toguri D'Aquino was one of the DJs with this infamous nickname during World War II Tokyo Rose
#9232, aired 2024-12-24NICKNAMES OF HISTORIC WOMEN $2000: For helping advance women in the Navy, this 4-term, 3-name Maine senator was the "Mother of the Waves" Margaret Chase Smith

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