Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7688, aired 2018-01-31NICKNAMES FOR NATIVES $200: Sheik, rattle & roll with an Emirian, someone from this Mideast nation United Arab Emirates
#7688, aired 2018-01-31NICKNAMES FOR NATIVES $400: It's not just a national anthem, it's a female resident of a city on the Gulf of Lion Marseillaise
#7688, aired 2018-01-31NICKNAMES FOR NATIVES $600: This nickname for residents of N.C. may derive from a Civil War regiment that stubbornly held their position as if glued down Tar Heels
#7688, aired 2018-01-31NICKNAMES FOR NATIVES $800: If you're a Hibernian, you're from this country Ireland
#7688, aired 2018-01-31NICKNAMES FOR NATIVES $1000: A Hatter is a resident of this Alberta city Medicine Hat

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