Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3437, aired 1999-07-13NICE BUNNIES $100: "Silly Rabbit", this cereal is "for Kids" Trix
#3437, aired 1999-07-13NICE BUNNIES $200: Title character addressed in the following audiobook You may go into the fields or down the lane, but don't go into Mr. McGregor's garden Peter Rabbit
#3437, aired 1999-07-13NICE BUNNIES $300: One critic says that "Bambi" should be called this, after the little bunny that steals the show Thumper
#3437, aired 1999-07-13NICE BUNNIES $400: An as-yet-nameless prototype of this character appeared in the 1938 cartoon "Porky's Hare Hunt" Bugs Bunny
#3437, aired 1999-07-13NICE BUNNIES $500: The love of a boy brings a stuffed bunny to life in this classic book by Margery Williams The Velveteen Rabbit

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