Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3498, aired 1999-11-17NEW YORK CITY TELEVISION $100: Ross has worked for NYC's Museum of Natural History on this show about 6 Manhattanites Friends
#3498, aired 1999-11-17NEW YORK CITY TELEVISION $200: Issued in November of '99, the stamp seen here honors a classic sitcom set in this NYC borough Queens
#3498, aired 1999-11-17NEW YORK CITY TELEVISION $300: Louie, Latka & Elaine all worked for the Sunshine Cab Co. on this NYC sitcom Taxi
#3498, aired 1999-11-17NEW YORK CITY TELEVISION $400: His preppy character Alex P. Keaton might have prepared him for his yuppie NYC character Michael Flaherty Michael J. Fox
#3498, aired 1999-11-17NEW YORK CITY TELEVISION $500: He's the veteran actor seen here who played a NYC cop on "Barney Miller" Abe Vigoda

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