Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#38, aired 2024-05-22 | NEW MATERIAL ABOUT OLD MATERIAL $400: About 15 feet long by 4 feet wide, this linen relic has been preserved since 1578 at the cathedral of San Giovanni Battista the Shroud of Turin |
#38, aired 2024-05-22 | NEW MATERIAL ABOUT OLD MATERIAL $800 (Daily Double): Taken to England in 1296, this 26x16x11 block of pale yellow sandstone has but one decoration--a Latin cross the Stone of Scone |
#38, aired 2024-05-22 | NEW MATERIAL ABOUT OLD MATERIAL $1200: The National Archives copy of the Articles of Confederation is written on this, much more durable than the articles parchment |
#38, aired 2024-05-22 | NEW MATERIAL ABOUT OLD MATERIAL $1600: Before this rock was a classroom writing surface, it was used to make the 3000s B.C. version of friendship bracelets in Finland slate |
#38, aired 2024-05-22 | NEW MATERIAL ABOUT OLD MATERIAL $2000: A London museum has 2 of these, steel, each weighing 17 1/2 pounds, made in France, 1790-94 guillotine blades |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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