Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7654, aired 2017-12-14NEW EPONYMOUS ANIMALS $400: A beetle with middle femurs that look like bulging biceps was named for this Austrian-born actor Schwarzenegger
#7654, aired 2017-12-14NEW EPONYMOUS ANIMALS $1200: In 2014 scientists discovered a new species of dinosaur & named it Zuul after a demon in this 1984 movie Ghostbusters
#7654, aired 2017-12-14NEW EPONYMOUS ANIMALS $1600: A fossilized one of these reptiles was named for Terry Pratchett--his "Discworld" rides on the back of one a turtle
#7654, aired 2017-12-14NEW EPONYMOUS ANIMALS $2000: A recently discovered dog-like carnivore from prehistoric Egypt was named for this canine-headed god Anubis
#7654, aired 2017-12-14NEW EPONYMOUS ANIMALS $4,600 (Daily Double): John Cleese is "absurdly fond" of these Madagascar animals, works to conserve them & got one named for him lemurs

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