Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8486, aired 2021-10-11NATIONAL LITERARY TITLES $400: A detective is hired to track down the missing sister of the secretive Miss Wonderly at the beginning of this hard-boiled novel The Maltese Falcon
#8486, aired 2021-10-11NATIONAL LITERARY TITLES $1200: This guy is the magnanimous title Greek in Nikos Kazantzakis' novel about living life to the fullest Zorba
#8486, aired 2021-10-11NATIONAL LITERARY TITLES $1600: Meryl Streep starred in a film of this John Fowles novel The French Lieutenant's Woman
#8486, aired 2021-10-11NATIONAL LITERARY TITLES $2000: A home built by the VanHoebeek family gives this 2019 Ann Patchett bestseller its title The Dutch House
#8486, aired 2021-10-11NATIONAL LITERARY TITLES $3,000 (Daily Double): In this Michael Ondaatje novel, a badly burned plane crash victim remembers a fateful love affair The English Patient

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