Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6549, aired 2013-02-21NAMES IN AMERICAN LORE $200: Born in New England in 1774, he planted his way to central Ohio & beyond Johnny Appleseed
#6549, aired 2013-02-21NAMES IN AMERICAN LORE $400: He said, "Before I'd let your steam drill beat me down, Lord, I'd die with this hammer in my hand" John Henry
#6549, aired 2013-02-21NAMES IN AMERICAN LORE $600: This Sioux leader surrendered at Fort Buford in 1881, 5 years after winning a "little" battle Sitting Bull
#6549, aired 2013-02-21NAMES IN AMERICAN LORE $800: It was the nickname of high-living turn-of-the-20th century financier James Brady Diamond Jim
#6549, aired 2013-02-21NAMES IN AMERICAN LORE $1000: Known as "The King of the Keelboatmen", he was a leading pilot on the Mississippi River Mike Fink

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