Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (20 results returned)
#6774, aired 2014-02-13 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $400: The rightful Duke of Milan has been stranded for many years on an island The Tempest |
#6774, aired 2014-02-13 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $1200: A misplaced handkerchief leads to murderous suspicion Othello |
#6774, aired 2014-02-13 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $1600: It's 1415 & England is invading France Henry V |
#6774, aired 2014-02-13 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $2000: A woman disguised as a man is loved by a woman who ends up marrying her brother Twelfth Night |
#6774, aired 2014-02-13 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $4,000 (Daily Double): 2 young royal brothers go missing, never to be seen again Richard III |
#5867, aired 2010-03-02 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $400: "Let not thy nurse lie with thee in thy chamber: take thou this vial..." Romeo and Juliet |
#5867, aired 2010-03-02 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $800: "Though Birnam Wood be come to Dunsinane, and thou opposed, being of no woman born, yet I will try the last" Macbeth |
#5867, aired 2010-03-02 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $1,000 (Daily Double): "You all did see that on the Lupercal, I thrice presented him a kingly crown" Julius Caesar |
#5867, aired 2010-03-02 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $1200: "I will in Cassio's lodging lose this napkin and let him find it, trifles... are to the jealous confirmations strong" Othello |
#5867, aired 2010-03-02 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $2000: "I am all the subjects that you have... here you sty me, in this hard rock, whiles you do keep from me the rest o' the island" The Tempest |
#5683, aired 2009-04-29 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $200: "Parting is such sweet sorrow" Romeo and Juliet |
#5683, aired 2009-04-29 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $400: "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy" Othello |
#5683, aired 2009-04-29 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $800: "He shall have every day a several greeting, or I'll unpeople Egypt" Antony & Cleopatra |
#5683, aired 2009-04-29 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $1,000 (Daily Double): "Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't" Hamlet |
#5683, aired 2009-04-29 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $1000: "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; for he to-day that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother" Henry V |
#3255, aired 1998-10-30 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $100: "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears" Julius Caesar |
#3255, aired 1998-10-30 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $200: "Good-night, good-night! Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good-night till it be morrow" Romeo and Juliet |
#3255, aired 1998-10-30 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $300: "Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog" Macbeth |
#3255, aired 1998-10-30 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $400: "Neither a borrower nor a lender be" Hamlet (Polonius) |
#3255, aired 1998-10-30 | NAME THE SHAKESPEARE PLAY $600 (Daily Double): "The quality of mercy is not strained, it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath" The Merchant of Venice |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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