Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#9246, aired 2025-01-13MacARTHUR FELLOWS $400: Jason Reynolds wrote the YA Marvel novel titled "Miles Morales:" this superhero Spider-Man
#9246, aired 2025-01-13MacARTHUR FELLOWS $800: Fellow Emily Wilson is the first woman to publish an English translation of this Homer epic about a voyage the Odyssey
#9246, aired 2025-01-13MacARTHUR FELLOWS $1200: Evolutionary biologist Beth Shapiro delivered a Google lecture about cloning this Pleistocene pachyderm a mammoth
#9246, aired 2025-01-13MacARTHUR FELLOWS $1600: Anna Deavere Smith's play "Twilight: Los Angeles" chronicles the aftermath of the 1992 trial of the cops who arrested this man (Rodney) King
#9246, aired 2025-01-13MacARTHUR FELLOWS $2000: This "Finding Your Roots" host became a jolly good fellow in part for investigating "Language Use in the Black Vernacular" Gates
#6561, aired 2013-03-11MacARTHUR FOUNDATION FELLOWS $200: Benoit Rolland won $500,000, no strings attached, for his expertise in making these, used to play string instruments bows
#6561, aired 2013-03-11MacARTHUR FOUNDATION FELLOWS $400: Coronagraph expert Olivier Guyon designs these instruments to look for exoplanets telescopes
#6561, aired 2013-03-11MacARTHUR FOUNDATION FELLOWS $600: Nancy Rabalais studies Gulf of Mexico "dead zones", mainly caused by low levels of this oxygen
#6561, aired 2013-03-11MacARTHUR FOUNDATION FELLOWS $800: David Finkel wrote a book on being embedded with a U.S. battalion in this world capital Baghdad
#6561, aired 2013-03-11MacARTHUR FOUNDATION FELLOWS $1000: Some may find it tough to swallow the award to Sarkis Mazmanian; he studies bacteria in the G.I. tract, short for this gastrointestinal

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