Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4717, aired 2005-02-22MY LITTLE BLACK BOOK $200: There's Beth, Amy, Meg (I should give her a call)--all I'm missing from the "Little Women" is her Jo
#4717, aired 2005-02-22MY LITTLE BLACK BOOK $400: This woman filed under "S" for her first name certainly likes the oloroso type of the wine of the same name Sherry
#4717, aired 2005-02-22MY LITTLE BLACK BOOK $600: From the meaning of her name, it makes sense that this daughter of rabid "Gone with the Wind" fans always wore black Melanie
#4717, aired 2005-02-22MY LITTLE BLACK BOOK $1000: Her Spanish name means "mercy", but she didn't show me any as she "drove" me crazy Mercedes
#4717, aired 2005-02-22MY LITTLE BLACK BOOK $3,400 (Daily Double): W is for this girl I once took to the Madison Avenue museum of the same name Whitney

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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