Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5326, aired 2007-11-05MUST FLEE TV $400: Jack & other members of the Counter Terrorism Unit are chasing & sometimes being chased in this series 24
#5326, aired 2007-11-05MUST FLEE TV $800: On this series, survivors from the 12 colonies hunt for the mythical 13th colony called Earth Battlestar Galactica
#5326, aired 2007-11-05MUST FLEE TV $1200: The horned-rimmed glasses guy pursued & kidnapped people with special abilities on this show Heroes
#5326, aired 2007-11-05MUST FLEE TV $1600: Framed for robbing the Bank of Hanoi, this group escapes from military prison & hires themselves out The A-Team
#5326, aired 2007-11-05MUST FLEE TV $2000: Bill Paxton flees the polygamist Juniper Creek compound & forms a "compound" of his own on this HBO series Big Love

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