Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#345, aired 1986-01-03 | MUNCHY MOVIES $100: Woody Allen film with "a peel" Bananas |
#345, aired 1986-01-03 | MUNCHY MOVIES $200: 1942 movie of a Steinbeck story that could be served with refried beans Tortilla Flat |
#345, aired 1986-01-03 | MUNCHY MOVIES $300: Since their 1978 "Attack", these man-eating veggies have been a staple at worst film festivals the Killer Tomatoes |
#345, aired 1986-01-03 | MUNCHY MOVIES $400: 2 of 3 Marx Brothers films with edible titles (2 of) Animal Crackers & Duck Soup (or Coconuts) |
#345, aired 1986-01-03 | MUNCHY MOVIES $500: 1982 satire in which 2 "bland" people spiced up their appetites with a bit of cannibalism Eating Raoul |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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