Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5727, aired 2009-06-30MULTIPLE-WORD CAPITALS $400: This capital of the Dominican Republic is said to contain the remains of Christopher Columbus Santo Domingo
#5727, aired 2009-06-30MULTIPLE-WORD CAPITALS $800: It's where you'd find the magnificent India Gate seen here New Delhi
#5727, aired 2009-06-30MULTIPLE-WORD CAPITALS $1200: The first 2 letters are silent in the name of this capital at the junction of the Mekong & Tonle Sap Rivers Phnom Penh
#5727, aired 2009-06-30MULTIPLE-WORD CAPITALS $1600: This country's capital is called either Abu Dhabi or Abu Zaby the United Arab Emirates
#5727, aired 2009-06-30MULTIPLE-WORD CAPITALS $2000: This Tanzanian capital contains a word used in a common Muslim greeting Dar es Salaam

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