Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#7166, aired 2015-11-09MR. SMITH GOES TO... $200: The New World in 1607 & soon becomes president of this colony Jamestown
#7166, aired 2015-11-09MR. SMITH GOES TO... $400: The National Armory in Springfield, Massachusetts; in 1852 he partners with this man (Daniel) Wesson
#7166, aired 2015-11-09MR. SMITH GOES TO... $600: Salisbury, now Harare, & in 1964 becomes prime minister of Southern this Rhodesia
#7166, aired 2015-11-09MR. SMITH GOES TO... $1000: St. James Parochial School; in 1928, he becomes the first major party presidential candidate of this faith Roman Catholic
#7166, aired 2015-11-09MR. SMITH GOES TO... $2,000 (Daily Double): The University of Glasgow in 1737; in 1776 he publishes this The Wealth of Nations
#4977, aired 2006-04-11MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON $200: Fort Dix is in this state's 4th District, repped by Chris Smith, who was elected to Congress at age 27 New Jersey
#4977, aired 2006-04-11MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON $400: William French Smith, who held this post, 1981-1985, had a key role in putting the 1st woman on the Supreme Court Attorney General
#4977, aired 2006-04-11MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON $600: In 1996 Gordon Smith lost to Ron Wyden to replace Bob Packwood as a Sen. from this state; now they serve together Oregon
#4977, aired 2006-04-11MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON $800: Washington's 9th District is represented by this man, who has the same name as a certain economist Adam Smith
#4977, aired 2006-04-11MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON $1000: Parts of Comal, Hays & Travis Counties make up the 21st District of this state's Rep. Lamar Smith Texas

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