Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9230, aired 2024-12-20MR. & MRS. LIT $400: "Mr. Darcy soon drew the attention of the room" at his first appearance in this novel Pride and Prejudice
#9230, aired 2024-12-20MR. & MRS. LIT $800: Mrs. Hudson, "a long-suffering woman", is his landlady in "The Adventure of the Dying Detective" Sherlock Holmes
#9230, aired 2024-12-20MR. & MRS. LIT $1600: The talents of this Patricia Highsmith character include the ability to kill with oars & ashtrays the talented Mr. Ripley
#9230, aired 2024-12-20MR. & MRS. LIT $2,000 (Daily Double): In the opening line of a novel, this Woolf woman "said she would buy the flowers herself" Mrs. Dalloway
#9230, aired 2024-12-20MR. & MRS. LIT $2000: Mrs. Organ Morgan runs a grocery shop in a seaside village in Wales in his play "Under Milk Wood" Dylan Thomas

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