Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7006, aired 2015-02-16MR. CATEGORY $200: Edward is the name of this murderous title character of a Robert Louis Stevenson novella Mr. Hyde
#7006, aired 2015-02-16MR. CATEGORY $400: This iconic brand started as a powder that promised to get kids clean without leaving a bathtub ring Mr. Bubble
#7006, aired 2015-02-16MR. CATEGORY $600: Mr. Bumble is the petty bureaucrat who names the orphans in this Dickens novel Oliver Twist
#7006, aired 2015-02-16MR. CATEGORY $800: Here's the logo of this official bartender's guide, around since 1935. Mr. Boston
#7006, aired 2015-02-16MR. CATEGORY $1000: Richard Sylvan Selzer was the real name of this Mr., known for his annual worst-dressed lists Mr. Blackwell

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