Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7001, aired 2015-02-09MOVIES WITH "HEART" $400: In this 2009 release Jeff Bridges played country music star Bad Blake Crazy Heart
#7001, aired 2015-02-09MOVIES WITH "HEART" $800: This 2007 film about slain journalist Daniel Pearl was based on a memoir by his wife Mariane A Mighty Heart
#7001, aired 2015-02-09MOVIES WITH "HEART" $1200: Winning an Oscar for this film, Sally Field said, "I've wanted... to have your respect... I can't deny... that you like me" Places in the Heart
#7001, aired 2015-02-09MOVIES WITH "HEART" $1600: This documentary chronicled the problems that plagued the making of "Apocalypse Now" Hearts of Darkness
#7001, aired 2015-02-09MOVIES WITH "HEART" $2000: A 2006 documentary about Neil Young had this No. 1 song as its subtitle Heart of Gold

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