Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#8788, aired 2023-01-18 | MOVIES THAT MATTER $400: Starring Tom Hanks as a gay man with AIDS, this was the first major studio film to deal with that disease & the stigma it carried Philadelphia |
#8788, aired 2023-01-18 | MOVIES THAT MATTER $800: This theme park announced an end to its orca programs after the release of "Blackfish", about Tilikum, who killed one of the trainers SeaWorld |
#8788, aired 2023-01-18 | MOVIES THAT MATTER $1200: This 2006 Al Gore documentary was a wake-up call for many about how climate change is devastating our planet An Inconvenient Truth |
#8788, aired 2023-01-18 | MOVIES THAT MATTER $1600: This 2014 film about voting marches in Alabama shined a light on the contributions of Black women to the civil rights movement Selma |
#8788, aired 2023-01-18 | MOVIES THAT MATTER $2000: Amputee Harold Russell, who played a returning serviceman in this 1946 classic, was an inspiration to fellow World War II vets & the disabled The Best Years of Our Lives |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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