Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (50 results returned)

#6175, aired 2011-06-17SODERBERGH MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $400: "Mr. Guevara" Che
#6175, aired 2011-06-17SODERBERGH MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $800: "Pacific's Dozen" Ocean's 12
#6175, aired 2011-06-17SODERBERGH MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $1200: "The accumulation of vehicles along highway routes" Traffic
#6175, aired 2011-06-17SODERBERGH MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $1600: "One well-behaved Bavarian" The Good German
#6175, aired 2011-06-17SODERBERGH MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $2000: "Not within viewing range" Out Of Sight
#5612, aired 2009-01-20MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS (SORT OF) $400: Oscar's Best Picture of 1991: "Baaaaaaaa... Baaaaaaaa... Baa--" (abrupt stop) The Silence of the Lambs
#5612, aired 2009-01-20MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS (SORT OF) $800: 1965 Rodgers & Hammerstein film: "Honk Honk, Toot Toot, Drum Drum, Strum Strum" The Sound of Music
#5612, aired 2009-01-20MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS (SORT OF) $1200: Oscar's Best Picture of 1983: "Sweetie Pie, Honey Lamb, Angel Feet, Snookie Muffin" Terms of Endearment
#5612, aired 2009-01-20MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS (SORT OF) $1600: 1951 Fredric March pic: "'Can I Interest You In A Fuller Brush? Aack! Oh, My heart! Aack! Aack!' (Thud!)" Death of a Salesman
#5612, aired 2009-01-20MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS (SORT OF) $2000: Jeremy Irons starrer: "E-N-U-T-R-O-F" Reversal of Fortune
#5560, aired 2008-11-07SPIELBERG MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $400: "Mandibles" Jaws
#5560, aired 2008-11-07SPIELBERG MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $800: "Capital of Bavaria" Munich
#5560, aired 2008-11-07SPIELBERG MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $1200: "Forever" Always
#5560, aired 2008-11-07SPIELBERG MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $1600: "Achieve My Apprehension Where Possible" Catch Me if You Can
#5560, aired 2008-11-07SPIELBERG MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $2000: "Helios' Kingdom" Empire of the Sun
#4184, aired 2002-11-07HITCHCOCK MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $200: "Maniac" Psycho
#4184, aired 2002-11-07HITCHCOCK MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $400: "Taxonomic Class Aves" The Birds
#4184, aired 2002-11-07HITCHCOCK MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $600: "Rotarize No. 6 to Get Homicide" Dial M for Murder
#4184, aired 2002-11-07HITCHCOCK MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $800: "Rescue Pod" Lifeboat
#4184, aired 2002-11-07HITCHCOCK MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $1000: "A Woman Disappears" The Lady Vanishes
#3188, aired 1998-06-10MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $100: "Precipitation Guy" Rain Man
#3188, aired 1998-06-10MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $200: "Currency Vocalizes" Money Talks
#3188, aired 1998-06-10MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $300: "Sans Shut Eye While Inhabiting a City on Puget Sound" Sleepless in Seattle
#3188, aired 1998-06-10MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $400: "Azure Aloha State" Blue Hawaii
#3188, aired 1998-06-10MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $500: "Conflagration in a Descending Direction Underneath" Fire Down Below
#2837, aired 1996-12-24MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $100: "Deceased Guy Ambulating" "Dead Man Walking"
#2837, aired 1996-12-24MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $200: "H2OLand" "Waterworld"
#2837, aired 1996-12-24MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $300: "Plaything Tale" "Toy Story"
#2837, aired 1996-12-24MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $400: "Sweetie, Yours Truly Miniaturized Our Offspring" "Honey, I Shrunk The Kids"
#2837, aired 1996-12-24MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $500: "Erase The City Of Light From Your Memory" "Forget Paris"
#2691, aired 1996-04-22MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $200: "Bruce Wayne's Alter Ego Eternally" Batman Forever
#2691, aired 1996-04-22MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $400: "Yuri the Russian Physician" Doctor Zhivago
#2691, aired 1996-04-22MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $600: "Jim Henson's Puppets Steal a New York Island" The Muppets Take Manhattan
#2691, aired 1996-04-22MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $800: "Speculate What Guest Is Showing Up for the Evening Repast" Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
#2691, aired 1996-04-22MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $1000: "What Person Fears the Author of 'To the Lighthouse'?" Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
#1201, aired 1989-11-20MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $100: "Croonin' During a Downpour" Singin' in the Rain
#1201, aired 1989-11-20MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $200: "Toss My Old Lady Off That 4:18" Throw Momma from the Train
#1201, aired 1989-11-20MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $300: "Everything Concerning Miss Harrington" All About Eve
#1201, aired 1989-11-20MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $400: "Speculate on Which Person Will Be Visiting to Share the Main Meal of the Day" Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
#1201, aired 1989-11-20MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $500: "I Used to Be an Adolescent Lycanthrope, Myself" I Was A Teenage Werewolf
#1038, aired 1989-02-22MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $100: "Mandibles" Jaws
#1038, aired 1989-02-22MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $200: "Village Lacking Compassion" Town Without Pity
#1038, aired 1989-02-22MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $300: "Equine Plumage" Horse Feathers
#1038, aired 1989-02-22MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $400: "The 13th Letter of the Alphabet" M
#1038, aired 1989-02-22MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $500: "This is some deranged, frenzied, lunatic, crazy planet" It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
#777, aired 1988-01-12MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $100: "The square root of 100" 10
#777, aired 1988-01-12MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $200: "Mallard consomme" Duck Soup
#777, aired 1988-01-12MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $300: "Paradise's Portal" Heaven's Gate
#777, aired 1988-01-12MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $400: "Haughtiness Plus Partiality" Pride and Prejudice
#777, aired 1988-01-12MOVIES IN OTHER WORDS $500: "A Huge Snooze" The Big Sleep

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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