Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5982, aired 2010-09-21MOVIES AT SEA $400: "Yell barracuda, everybody says, 'huh? what?'; you yell shark, we've got a panic on our hands" is said in this film Jaws
#5982, aired 2010-09-21MOVIES AT SEA $800: A captain & his inexperienced crew patrol the Atlantic in a sub in this 1981 Wolfgang Petersen film with a German title Das Boot
#5982, aired 2010-09-21MOVIES AT SEA $1600: This 1995 film with Kevin Costner as a "manphibian" (he had gills!) cost an estimated $175 million Waterworld
#5982, aired 2010-09-21MOVIES AT SEA $2000: Jack Lemmon was Ensign Pulver, in charge of laundry & morale aboard a ship called The Reluctant, in this 1955 film Mister Roberts
#5982, aired 2010-09-21MOVIES AT SEA $5,000 (Daily Double): One tagline for this 1997 Oscar winner was "Collide with destiny" Titanic

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