Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9247, aired 2025-01-14MOVIE PROFESSION IN COMMON $200: Harrison Ford in "Air Force One" & Bill Pullman in "Independence Day" President of the United States
#9247, aired 2025-01-14MOVIE PROFESSION IN COMMON $400: Will Ferrell in "Blades of Glory" & Jon Heder in "Blades of Glory" figure skaters (ice skaters)
#9247, aired 2025-01-14MOVIE PROFESSION IN COMMON $600: Jack Nicholson in "Chinatown" & Russell Crowe in "The Nice Guys" detective
#9247, aired 2025-01-14MOVIE PROFESSION IN COMMON $800: Sally Hawkins in "The Shape of Water" & Matt Damon in "Good Will Hunting" a janitor
#9247, aired 2025-01-14MOVIE PROFESSION IN COMMON $1000: Rick Moranis in "Ghostbusters" & Ben Affleck as Christian Wolff (the title profession) accountants

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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