Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#7195, aired 2015-12-18 | MOVIE CAMEOS $200: (Dan Patrick reads the clue.) My good friend Adam Sandler has cast me in 9 of his films, including "Grown Ups 2" in which I played a gym teacher dressed as this 1980s Celtics legend Larry Bird |
#7195, aired 2015-12-18 | MOVIE CAMEOS $400: In "Twilight" this author has a cameo as a customer in a diner with a veggie plate (Stephenie) Meyer |
#7195, aired 2015-12-18 | MOVIE CAMEOS $600: (Al Michaels delivers the clue.) Well, I didn't win an Oscar playing myself in this 1996 movie but Cuba Gooding Jr. did for his performance as a wide receiver for the Cardinals Jerry Maguire |
#7195, aired 2015-12-18 | MOVIE CAMEOS $800: Julia Roberts played this title crusader in a 2000 film while the real woman had a cameo as a waitress Erin Brockovich |
#7195, aired 2015-12-18 | MOVIE CAMEOS $1000: From "Rebecca" on, this director appeared in all of his films; he sat next to Cary Grant on a bus in "To Catch a Thief" (Alfred) Hitchcock |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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