Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)
#8439, aired 2021-07-08 | 21st CENTURY MONARCHIES $400: The monarchy of this Asian nation of 125 million has a legendary history dating back to the 7th century B.C. Japan |
#8439, aired 2021-07-08 | 21st CENTURY MONARCHIES $800: This woman of non-royal birth & Prince Rainier were the parents of Prince Albert II of Monaco Grace Kelly |
#8439, aired 2021-07-08 | 21st CENTURY MONARCHIES $1200: Royal title of the rulers of Malaysian states & of Oman a sultan |
#8439, aired 2021-07-08 | 21st CENTURY MONARCHIES $1600: Nelson Mandela helped restore the monarchy to this nation; Letsie III is currently its king Lesotho |
#8439, aired 2021-07-08 | 21st CENTURY MONARCHIES $2000: The few reigning queens include the United Kingdom's Elizabeth II & this queen of Denmark Margrethe |
#3831, aired 2001-04-09 | MONARCHIES $200: This Asian country is the oldest remaining monarchy; legend says its dynasty dates from 660 B.C. Japan |
#3831, aired 2001-04-09 | MONARCHIES $400: This country's head of state belongs to the house of Bourbon Spain |
#3831, aired 2001-04-09 | MONARCHIES $600: A founding member of the U.N., it also gave the U.N. its first Secretary-General, Trygve Lie Norway |
#3831, aired 2001-04-09 | MONARCHIES $800: This sultanate gained full sovereignty & independence from Britain January 1, 1984 Brunei |
#3831, aired 2001-04-09 | MONARCHIES $1000: The Faroe Islands are a self-governing part of this monarchy Denmark |
#3624, aired 2000-05-11 | MONARCHIES $200: In 1999 Prince Ranier III celebrated the 50th year of his reign over this principality Monaco |
#3624, aired 2000-05-11 | MONARCHIES $400: This monarchial nation occupies over 3/4 of the Iberian Peninsula Spain |
#3624, aired 2000-05-11 | MONARCHIES $600: It's the country ruled by King Mohammed VI, son of the late Hassan II Morocco |
#3624, aired 2000-05-11 | MONARCHIES $800: The first king of this country was Harald I; today it's Harald V Norway |
#3624, aired 2000-05-11 | MONARCHIES $1000: It's the kingdom completely surrounded by South Africa Lesotho |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (4 results returned)
#8431, aired 2021-06-28 | MONARCHIES: The future Charles I suddenly became next in line to the throne of Austria in this year 1914 |
#6878, aired 2014-07-09 | CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHIES: The constitution of this country allows the monarch to abdicate, which has happened in 1948, 1980 & 2013 the Netherlands |
#5972, aired 2010-07-27 | MONARCHIES: 1 of the 2 largely German-speaking monarchies in the world; they're about 250 miles apart (1 of) Liechtenstein & Luxembourg |
#5534, aired 2008-10-02 | MODERN MONARCHIES: Of the 3 African countries ruled by monarchs, it's the farthest north Morocco |
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