Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9237, aired 2024-12-31 | MODERN ABBREVIATIONS $400: WSG is short for this, like when you're inquiring as to how another's day is going What's good? |
#9237, aired 2024-12-31 | MODERN ABBREVIATIONS $800: MMA for short, it uses techniques from jujitsu & Muay Thai, to name a few mixed martial arts |
#9237, aired 2024-12-31 | MODERN ABBREVIATIONS $1200: In February you'll probably run into the abbreviation BHM, short for this observance Black History Month |
#9237, aired 2024-12-31 | MODERN ABBREVIATIONS $1600: Disrupting a computer site by overwhelming it with a flood of fake traffic is a DDOS, one of these attacks a distributed denial-of-service (a distributed denial-of-services) |
#9237, aired 2024-12-31 | MODERN ABBREVIATIONS $2000: As in an Oscar-winning 2021 drama, CODA is short for these offspring children of deaf adults |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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