Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7683, aired 2018-01-24MISS NOMERS $200: In 1952 Catalina Swimsuits broke from Miss America & created this pageant, first called Miss United Nations Miss Universe
#7683, aired 2018-01-24MISS NOMERS $400: In 2004 China held its first "Miss" this 2-word procedure pageant celebrating "man-made beauty" plastic surgery
#7683, aired 2018-01-24MISS NOMERS $600: This hit by Kelly Clarkson says, "So, by changing her misconceptions she went in a new direction" "Miss Independent"
#7683, aired 2018-01-24MISS NOMERS $800: Cambodia & Angola held beauty contests for women injured by explosives called "Miss" this hidden 8-letter device a landmine
#7683, aired 2018-01-24MISS NOMERS $1000: Everybody liked Vonda Van Dyke in 1964--she was the only woman to win this friendly title in addition to Miss America Miss Congeniality

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