Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9237, aired 2024-12-31MILITARY CELEBS $200: Seen here is this TV host, a field radio operator in the 25th Marine Regiment from 1980 to 1986; his "Price" would grow in showbiz Drew Carey
#9237, aired 2024-12-31MILITARY CELEBS $400: Leaping away from the 101st Airborne, this '60s legend had enough experience to land on his feet as a guitarist (Jimi) Hendrix
#9237, aired 2024-12-31MILITARY CELEBS $600: Post-Marines, he enlisted at Juilliard before meeting "Girls" & living in the "House of (Maurizio) Gucci" Adam Driver
#9237, aired 2024-12-31MILITARY CELEBS $800: After serving 4 years in the 25th Infantry, he got into music, then put in his 20 (& still counting!) as a cop on NBC Ice-T
#9237, aired 2024-12-31MILITARY CELEBS $1000: A radar repairman in the Air Force in the '50s, he went off to "The Electric Company", an Oscar win & a ton of voiceovers Morgan Freeman

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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