Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6746, aired 2014-01-06MEYER TO NAUVOO $200: In 1954 the U.S. accepted 1.852 kilometers as the length of a nautical one of these mile
#6746, aired 2014-01-06MEYER TO NAUVOO $400: Made from sugarcane, the blackstrap variety of this has less sugar but more nutrition than lighter types molasses
#6746, aired 2014-01-06MEYER TO NAUVOO $600: In this comic opera by Gilbert & Sullivan, the Emperor's son, Nanki-Poo, poses as a minstrel Mikado
#6746, aired 2014-01-06MEYER TO NAUVOO $800: French for "assembly", it's the technique in which separate pieces of film are joined in sequence for an effect montage
#6746, aired 2014-01-06MEYER TO NAUVOO $1000: In 1902 this political cartoonist was appointed consul to Guayaquil, Ecuador (Thomas) Nast

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