Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5104, aired 2006-11-16METS, GIANTS, RANGERS & KNICKS $200: This QB must dream of meeting brother Peyton in the Super Bowl (where the Giants just destroy the Colts) Eli Manning
#5104, aired 2006-11-16METS, GIANTS, RANGERS & KNICKS $400: In 2006 this ex-Yankee managed the Mets to their first division win since 1988 Willie Randolph
#5104, aired 2006-11-16METS, GIANTS, RANGERS & KNICKS $600: This '80s Giants LB, No. 56, once told teammates to "Go out there like a bunch of crazed dogs & have some fun" Lawrence Taylor (L.T. accepted)
#5104, aired 2006-11-16METS, GIANTS, RANGERS & KNICKS $800: In 1973-74 this Zen-like Knick averaged a career-high 11.1 ppg; oh yeah, he's coached a little in Chicago & L.A., too Phil Jackson
#5104, aired 2006-11-16METS, GIANTS, RANGERS & KNICKS $1000: Watch 54 years of frustration end when this Ranger captain takes the ultimate NHL prize (Mark) Messier

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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