Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3307, aired 1999-01-12METRO MIAMI $200: Warm, inviting Miami lies just 2 degrees north of this tropic line Tropic of Cancer
#3307, aired 1999-01-12METRO MIAMI $400: You may have to claw your way into Joe's popular spot for the "stone" type of these crustaceans Crabs
#3307, aired 1999-01-12METRO MIAMI $600: The University of Miami football team shares its name with these dreaded local events hurricanes
#3307, aired 1999-01-12METRO MIAMI $800: It's one of Miami Beach's best-known hotels & perhaps the one with the most elegant name The Fontainebleau
#3307, aired 1999-01-12METRO MIAMI $1000: Directional name for the area that's the home of Miami's Art Deco District South Beach

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