Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#6288, aired 2012-01-11MESOPOTAMIA $400: After centuries of rule by the Ottoman Empire, Mesopotamia mostly became part of this new nation in 1932 Iraq
#6288, aired 2012-01-11MESOPOTAMIA $800: Mesopotamia stretched from the Taurus Mountains in the north to this gulf in the south the Persian
#6288, aired 2012-01-11MESOPOTAMIA $1200: The epic poem of this Sumerian king includes an account of a great flood Gilgamesh
#6288, aired 2012-01-11MESOPOTAMIA $2000: From the Assyrian for "height", this stepped structure was used as a temple by Mesopotamian cultures ziggurat
#6288, aired 2012-01-11MESOPOTAMIA $3,000 (Daily Double): Transcribed in the 1800s, the Behistun Inscription is the Rosetta Stone for this type of writing developed in Mesopotamia cuneiform
#5050, aired 2006-07-21MESOPOTAMIA $200: Gentler than Hammurabi's, the code of Ur-Nammu demands these, such as 1 mina, for inflicting injury a fine
#5050, aired 2006-07-21MESOPOTAMIA $400: What some Mesopotamians called the "Nether Sea" we call this gulf the Persian Gulf
#5050, aired 2006-07-21MESOPOTAMIA $600: Utnapishtim, the Mesopotamian version of this Biblical man, is warned of the destruction of Shuruppak Noah
#5050, aired 2006-07-21MESOPOTAMIA $1000: Nebuchadnezzar's spending on buildings & war left this empire open to conquest in 539 B.C. the Babylonian Empire
#5050, aired 2006-07-21MESOPOTAMIA $1,500 (Daily Double): They settled Mesopotamia around 3500 B.C. & brought in some good ideas, like civilization & writing the Sumerians
#3822, aired 2001-03-27A MESS O' MESOPOTAMIA $200: In 331 this Macedonian took possession of the palaces & treasuries of the major cities of Mesopotamia Alexander the Great
#3822, aired 2001-03-27A MESS O' MESOPOTAMIA $400: The use of this is believed to have originated in Mesopotamia over 3,700 years ago; it was in the form of silver rings Money
#3822, aired 2001-03-27A MESS O' MESOPOTAMIA $600: The "Rosetta Stone" for this writing system was the "Behistun Inscription" found in Iran Cuneiform
#3822, aired 2001-03-27A MESS O' MESOPOTAMIA $800: Mesopotamia's versions of pyramids were these stepped structures with temples on top Ziggurats
#3822, aired 2001-03-27A MESS O' MESOPOTAMIA $1000: His son Samsu-Iluna inherited his throne in Babylon Hammurabi

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