Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9236, aired 2024-12-30MERMAN $200: Maine lighthouse keeper Thomas Curry is the father of this DC comic book hero Aquaman
#9236, aired 2024-12-30MERMAN $400: In this film Merman/model Ben Stiller reminds us, "Moisture is the essence of wetness & wetness is the essence of beauty" Zoolander
#9236, aired 2024-12-30MERMAN $600: This animated king tells his daughter, "I consider myself a reasonable merman" before destroying a grotto of human objects (King) Triton
#9236, aired 2024-12-30MERMAN $800: Fry meets mermen & mermaids in the fabled lost city of Atlanta on this animated show set in the 31st century Futurama
#9236, aired 2024-12-30MERMAN $1000: As a merman in "Barbie", this pro wrestler guzzles a brew & serenades Dua Lipa John Cena

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