Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#6612, aired 2013-05-21MEN AT WORK $200: He's been a Vietnam infantryman & a Republican senator & on Jan. 7, 2013 Pres. Obama nominated him as defense secretary (Chuck) Hagel
#6612, aired 2013-05-21"MEN" AT WORK $400: Something that threatens to cause evil, perhaps a "Phantom" one a menace
#6612, aired 2013-05-21MEN AT WORK $400: In 1975 this jeans & perfume maven was not yet 35 when he made the Coty Hall of Fame Calvin Klein
#6612, aired 2013-05-21MEN AT WORK $600: Hoping to avoid "Kitchen Nightmares", this TV chef has his name on several restaurants, including Maze Gordon Ramsay
#6612, aired 2013-05-21"MEN" AT WORK $800: A 9-branch Hanukkah candelabrum a menorah
#6612, aired 2013-05-21MEN AT WORK $1000: This Scopes trial man was an occasional law partner with the poet Edgar Lee Masters (Clarence) Darrow
#6612, aired 2013-05-21"MEN" AT WORK $1200: Technically, this French phrase means "household of 3"... technically ménàge a trois
#6612, aired 2013-05-21MEN AT WORK $1,500 (Daily Double): In 1921 the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the U. of Copenhagen instituted this man as director Niels Bohr
#6612, aired 2013-05-21"MEN" AT WORK $1600: A high-IQ group, or the flat stone forming the top of the altar in a Roman Catholic church Mensa
#6612, aired 2013-05-21"MEN" AT WORK $2000: The tendency to lie mendacity
#5668, aired 2009-04-08"MEN" AT WORK $400: Rediscovered c. 1900, the work of this Austrian monk was thought irrelevant to evolutionary theory (Gregor) Mendel
#5668, aired 2009-04-08"MEN" AT WORK $800: This journalist said no one "has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses" (H.L.) Mencken
#5668, aired 2009-04-08"MEN" AT WORK $1200: This composer of "Amahl and the Night Visitors" won 2 Pulitzers for his work (Gian Carlo) Menotti
#5668, aired 2009-04-08"MEN" AT WORK $1600: This physician saw the benefit of a group practice after visiting the Mayo Clinic; he later started a clinic in Kansas Menninger
#5668, aired 2009-04-08"MEN" AT WORK $2000: Yee-haw! He's the musician seen here, fiddlin' around Sir Yehudi Menuhin

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