Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (4 results returned)

#4827, aired 2005-09-13MEL GIBSON: TORTURED THESPIAN $800: The chemistry (& torture) between Mel & Gary Busey's henchman was electric in this 1987 megahit Lethal Weapon
#4827, aired 2005-09-13MEL GIBSON: TORTURED THESPIAN $1200: Mad Mel's lashed to a pack animal & sent into the desert after a battle in this 1985 title structure Thunderdome
#4827, aired 2005-09-13MEL GIBSON: TORTURED THESPIAN $1600: Capt. Picard, no! Patrick Stewart water-tortures Mel in this 1997 pic, though without use of a grassy knoll Conspiracy Theory
#4827, aired 2005-09-13MEL GIBSON: TORTURED THESPIAN $2000: "Revenge" isn't quite the right word for this '99 pic where, when it comes to Mel's torture, let's say "The toes knows" Payback

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