Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3009, aired 1997-10-02MEDIEVAL WOMEN $200: A treatise on this feminine area of medicine from around the year 1000 is attributed to Trotula Gynecology
#3009, aired 1997-10-02MEDIEVAL WOMEN $400: This 12th c. queen was the granddaughter of one of the first troubadours, William, Duke of Aquitaine Eleanor of Aquitaine
#3009, aired 1997-10-02MEDIEVAL WOMEN $600: As empress of Japan in the 7th century, Suiko helped promote this religion at the expense of Shintoism Buddhism
#3009, aired 1997-10-02MEDIEVAL WOMEN $800: Passionate love letters by nuns include Marianna Alcoforado's in the 17th century, & hers in the 12th to Abelard Heloise
#3009, aired 1997-10-02MEDIEVAL WOMEN $1000: Laura inspired the poems of Petrarch & this teenager inspired the poems of Dante Beatrice

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