Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#2213, aired 1994-03-30MEDICAL FIELDS $200: Pediatrics concerns the growth of kids, but podiatry focuses on just these body parts the feet
#2213, aired 1994-03-30MEDICAL FIELDS $400: Otology is the study of 2 organs, the ears; this is the study of 1 organ, the heart cardiology
#2213, aired 1994-03-30MEDICAL FIELDS $600: Phlebology is the study of these body parts that carry what hematologists study arteries & veins
#2213, aired 1994-03-30MEDICAL FIELDS $800: Stomotology studies the mouth & this is the study of the stomach gastrology
#2213, aired 1994-03-30MEDICAL FIELDS $1000: Nosology is the science of disease classification; this is the "ology" just for noses rhinology

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