Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7941, aired 2019-03-04MEANINGS OF CELEBRITY NAMES $200: This "You Oughta Know" singer has an Irish first name meaning "beautiful"; also, her dad is Alan Alanis Morissette
#7941, aired 2019-03-04MEANINGS OF CELEBRITY NAMES $400: Arabic for "loving" gives us the first name of this actor who played Freddie Mercury in "Bohemian Rhapsody" Rami Malek
#7941, aired 2019-03-04MEANINGS OF CELEBRITY NAMES $600: Greek for "pure" is the origin of the first name of this actress, whose work is pure joy to watch Catherine Keener
#7941, aired 2019-03-04MEANINGS OF CELEBRITY NAMES $800: "United Shades of America" is hosted by this comedian, who says "quiet warrior" is the meaning of his name Kamau Bell
#7941, aired 2019-03-04MEANINGS OF CELEBRITY NAMES $1000: Do not fear the reaper, from which the first name of this "Creed" actress is derived Tessa Thompson

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