Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7361, aired 2016-09-19MAYOR GARCETTI'S LOS ANGELES $200: (His Honor, the Mayor Eric Garcetti delivers the clue.) Just north of Hollywood & Vine, the studios at Capitol Records have been used by Frank Sinatra, Green Day, Sam Smith & this band, who recorded their "Surfin' Safari" album in the tower the Beach Boys
#7361, aired 2016-09-19MAYOR GARCETTI'S LOS ANGELES $400: (His Honor, the Mayor Eric Garcetti delivers the clue.) The Hollywood Sign was originally the Hollywoodland Sign, a $21,000 billboard in 1923, for this 2-word type of development owned by the publisher of the L.A. Times real estate
#7361, aired 2016-09-19MAYOR GARCETTI'S LOS ANGELES $600: (His Honor, the Mayor Eric Garcetti delivers the clue.) Using the term "California romanza" to mean "freedom to make one's own form", this 3-named architect's first L.A. project, Hollyhock House, was completed in 1921 Frank Lloyd Wright
#7361, aired 2016-09-19MAYOR GARCETTI'S LOS ANGELES $800: (His Honor, the Mayor Eric Garcetti delivers the clue.) At L.A.'s Griffith Observatory, the Astronomers Monument features 6 giants of the field: Hipparchus, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Herschel & this Italian genius Galileo
#7361, aired 2016-09-19MAYOR GARCETTI'S LOS ANGELES $1000: (His Honor, the Mayor Eric Garcetti delivers the clue.) Between 1921 & 1955 Italian immigrant Simon Rodia constructed a collection of 17 structures he called Nuestro Pueblo or "Our Town"; today, it's a National Historic Landmark known as this the Watts Towers

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