Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)
#7163, aired 2015-11-04 | MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU $400: (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a mountain on the monitor.) Whether a climber takes a direct route or a scenic one, it takes the same amount of work to overcome gravity on the way to the top of the mountain because gravity is this type of force, a political antonym of "liberal" conservative |
#7163, aired 2015-11-04 | MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU $800: (Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from the USS Intrepid in New York.) Pushing through the air at more than 1,300 miles per hour, the Concorde expanded 8 inches in length during flight because of heat generated by this contact force friction |
#7163, aired 2015-11-04 | MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU $1200: (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a globe on the monitor.) In the northern hemisphere, a projectile moving north outraces Earth's rotation, so it will appear to be deflected to the right, thanks to this force named for a 19th century Frenchman Coriolis |
#7163, aired 2015-11-04 | MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU $1600: Take a second to turn things over & identify this, also called the moment of force torque |
#7163, aired 2015-11-04 | MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU $2000: The subatomic weak force acts on these particles named for an Italian-American physicist fermions |
#5498, aired 2008-07-02 | MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU $400: An elite cavalry formation made up of noblemen, the Companions were this Macedonian's shock force vs. the Persians Alexander the Great |
#5498, aired 2008-07-02 | MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU $800: Made up of Wisc. & Indiana men, the black felt-hatted Iron Brigade lost more than 50% of its men during this war the Civil War |
#5498, aired 2008-07-02 | MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU $1200: The Ironsides were an elite cavalry that fought for this non-royal at the Battle of Marston Moor (Oliver) Cromwell |
#5498, aired 2008-07-02 | MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU $1600: This "venerable" elite fighting force created in 1804 made Napoleon's last charge at Waterloo the Old Guard |
#5498, aired 2008-07-02 | MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU $2000: A group of 150 male-male pairs, the Sacred Band was an elite fighting unit of this city of Oedipus Thebes |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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