Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3269, aired 1998-11-19MARRIAGE & KIDS $100: "Sponsor" is another term for this; Don Vito Corleone was Johnny Fontane's sponsor godfather
#3269, aired 1998-11-19MARRIAGE & KIDS $200: Georgia & Alabama are among states recognizing this type of marriage without ceremony, based on cohabitation common law marriage
#3269, aired 1998-11-19MARRIAGE & KIDS $300: This married couple, seen here, became a symbol of the idealized family of the 1950s Ozzie & Harriet Nelson
#3269, aired 1998-11-19MARRIAGE & KIDS $400: These kits were introduced for home use in the '70s; they didn't come with a rabbit pregnancy tests
#3269, aired 1998-11-19MARRIAGE & KIDS $500: Samuel Johnson described this type of event as "The triumph of hope over experience" a second marriage

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