Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9241, aired 2025-01-06 | MANUAL EVENTS $400: The first convention of these people was held in Ohio in 1926 & opened by Jean Foley & his "Trained Pack of Cards" magicians |
#9241, aired 2025-01-06 | MANUAL EVENTS $800: Every other year France hosts the world's largest gathering of these artists the French call marionnettistes puppeteers |
#9241, aired 2025-01-06 | MANUAL EVENTS $1200: If you can do this real good, consider entering the triennial Franz Liszt Competition held in Utrecht since 1986 play the piano |
#9241, aired 2025-01-06 | MANUAL EVENTS $1600: Tools, timber & veneers are among the products exhibited at Atlanta's IWF, International this activity Fair Woodworking |
#9241, aired 2025-01-06 | MANUAL EVENTS $5,000 (Daily Double): See junipers & pines as you never have before at Kokufu-ten, a major exhibition of skills in this art bonsai |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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