Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8983, aired 2023-11-29MAKING WAVES $400: This actor played Johnny Utah, an FBI agent undercover as a surfer dude in 1991's "Point Break" (Keanu) Reeves
#8983, aired 2023-11-29MAKING WAVES $800: Also a 1963 hit by The Surfaris, this is one surfing move I can easily do myself a wipeout
#8983, aired 2023-11-29MAKING WAVES $1200: When you're inside a wave's hollow but still riding, you're said to be in this colorful waiting area the green room
#8983, aired 2023-11-29MAKING WAVES $1600: The name of this sport combines snowboarding with something you just learn to go with flowboarding
#8983, aired 2023-11-29MAKING WAVES $2000: Born at the beach--Cocoa Beach, Florida--he became both the youngest & the oldest surfing world champion Kelly Slater
#4784, aired 2005-05-26MAKING WAVES $400: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from atop a surfboard on an artificial wave machine.) Also a 1963 hit by The Surfaris, this is one surfing move I can easily do myself a wipeout
#4784, aired 2005-05-26MAKING WAVES $800: Air Cav Lt. Col. Kilgore says that "Charlie don't surf" in this 1979 film Apocalypse Now
#4784, aired 2005-05-26MAKING WAVES $1200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from atop a surfboard on an artificial wave machine.) The name of this sport combines snowboarding with something you just learn to go with flowboarding
#4784, aired 2005-05-26MAKING WAVES $1600: Ol' Moondoggie knows this 5-letter term for the cord that attaches the board to a surfer via a Velcro strap a leash
#4784, aired 2005-05-26MAKING WAVES $2000: When you're inside a wave's hollow but still riding, you're said to be in this "colorful" waiting area the green room

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