Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8045, aired 2019-07-26MAKE IT SNAPPY $400: As well as photosharing on this app, you can watch its Snap originals like "#vanlife" Snapchat
#8045, aired 2019-07-26MAKE IT SNAPPY $800: Genus Antirrhinum, these flowers snap closed after they are pried open by bees snapdragons
#8045, aired 2019-07-26MAKE IT SNAPPY $1200: This singer decided to add the finger snaps to her hit song "Fever" (Peggy) Lee
#8045, aired 2019-07-26MAKE IT SNAPPY $1600: This hyphenated tool company owns brands like Car-O-Liner & Kansas Jack Snap-On
#8045, aired 2019-07-26MAKE IT SNAPPY $2000: In 2019 meteorologist Daryl Ritchison at NDSU, this university, said the minus-33 temps were "a cold snap" North Dakota State University

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