Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (14 results returned)

#8700, aired 2022-09-16MAGNETS! $400: Magnetic poles tend to wander, & for hundreds of years, Greenwich positioned magnetic this west of true this north
#8700, aired 2022-09-16MAGNETS! $800: It's your lucky day as you name this magnet; it's strong magnetic field between the poles is due to the close proximity a horseshoe
#8700, aired 2022-09-16MAGNETS! $1200: This 3-letter medical procedure involves the patient lying in a hollow, cylindrical magnet & getting their atoms scanned an MRI
#8700, aired 2022-09-16MAGNETS! $1600: Robert Goddard conceptualized this type of train that eliminates friction of the wheels on rails, enabling speeds of 300+ mph maglev
#8700, aired 2022-09-16MAGNETS! $2000: Shine a light into a gas in a magnetic field to see the Zeeman effect, the resplitting of lines in this arrangement of colors a spectrum
#7773, aired 2018-05-30REFRIGERATOR MAGNETS $200: I know I shouldn't keep going back to eat the Concord type of this fruit off the bunch, but they are so plump! grapes
#7773, aired 2018-05-30REFRIGERATOR MAGNETS $400: I can't stay away from the freezer knowing that cookie dough pint slices from this ice cream brand are inside Ben & Jerry's
#7773, aired 2018-05-30REFRIGERATOR MAGNETS $600: Do you expect me to just pretend there's not a slice of chocolate tuxedo cream this from the same-named "Factory"? cheesecake
#7773, aired 2018-05-30REFRIGERATOR MAGNETS $800: Bringing home bonafide fried chicken from this chain was a mistake--it will be gone "Louisiana Fast"! Popeyes
#3150, aired 1998-04-17MAGNETS $200: On this home appliance, magnets are used to keep the door shut & hold messages Refrigerator
#3150, aired 1998-04-17MAGNETS $400: By the 12th century the Chinese made one of these using a magnetized needle Compass
#3150, aired 1998-04-17MAGNETS $600: Better than a CAT scanner, this technique is used to see the brain MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
#3150, aired 1998-04-17MAGNETS $800: Used by some trains, "Maglev" is short for this Magnetic levitation
#3150, aired 1998-04-17MAGNETS $1000: Magnetic materials may be diamagnetic, paramagnetic or this, from the Latin for iron Ferromagnetic

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