Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5835, aired 2010-01-15MAGAZINES ON THE WEB $400: Links at this magazine's site include "Rock the Rabbit", "The Girls Next Door" & "The Hef Pages" Playboy
#5835, aired 2010-01-15MAGAZINES ON THE WEB $800: "Color-a-Room" & leaf through the "Plant Encyclopedia" at, this magazine's online home Better Homes and Gardens
#5835, aired 2010-01-15MAGAZINES ON THE WEB $1,000 (Daily Double): The website for this defunct mag has the "most amazing collection of professional photography on the Web" Life
#5835, aired 2010-01-15MAGAZINES ON THE WEB $1200: This mag's .com quizzes include "Do you know how to attract a guy" & "Are you TMI all the time?" Cosmo (Cosmopolitan)
#5835, aired 2010-01-15MAGAZINES ON THE WEB $1600: Let's map a way to this magazine's website where you can utilize its "Atlas Explorer" National Geographic

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