Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8968, aired 2023-11-08L____O $200: It's a long rope with a loop on one end, used to rope cattle a lasso
#8968, aired 2023-11-08L____O $400: How low can you go? Perhaps to this place on the border of heaven or hell limbo
#8968, aired 2023-11-08L____O $600: The opposite of staccato, it's a direction to play music smoothly legato
#8968, aired 2023-11-08L____O $800: W.S. Gilbert wrote it for "The Mikado" libretto
#8968, aired 2023-11-08L____O $1000: If you run into this word on a menu, relax, it's just Spanish for "prawn" langostino
#5807, aired 2009-12-08L____O $200: It's a long rope with a loop on one end, used to rope cattle a lasso
#5807, aired 2009-12-08L____O $400: This term for the sex drive comes from the Latin for "lust" libido
#5807, aired 2009-12-08L____O $600: How low can you go? Perhaps to this place on the border of heaven or hell limbo
#5807, aired 2009-12-08L____O $800: The opposite of staccato, it's a direction to play music smoothly legato
#5807, aired 2009-12-08L____O $1000: This term for any man who seduces & deceives women comes from a character in the 18th century play "The Fair Penitent" lothario

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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