Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8848, aired 2023-04-12LOST WITH THE TITANIC $400: No "Heart of the Ocean", but a pink 6 7/16-carat diamond from this New York jeweler Tiffany
#8848, aired 2023-04-12LOST WITH THE TITANIC $800: The handwritten manuscript of a 1902 story by this "Heart of Darkness" man, on its way to a collector in New York Conrad
#8848, aired 2023-04-12LOST WITH THE TITANIC $1200: "La Circassienne au Bain", an oil painting exhibited at the 1814 edition of this prestigious Paris art show the Salon
#8848, aired 2023-04-12LOST WITH THE TITANIC $1600: A brand new 1912 Renault one of these cars, from French for "cut" & "town" a Coupe DeVille
#8848, aired 2023-04-12LOST WITH THE TITANIC $2000: An incredibly ornate edition of this Omar Khayyam work bound with more than 1,000 jewels set in gold the Rubáiyát

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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